This Truth About Private Labeling Will Shock You

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For many years, private labeled products were considered to be inferior. They were a way for big retailers to launch a new product line as a way to compete with the larger brand names that they already stocked. In order to differentiate those private label lines, retailers would price them low. Some still offered quality products that were simply used as loss leaders while others were, in fact, lesser in quality, with retailers wanting to keep costs as low as possible. As a result, it’s hardly surprising that the public’s perception of private labeling has been consistently poor. 

However, times have changed, and private labeling has evolved over the years. Now, it’s no longer just a profit-grabbing technique utilized by bigger companies. Instead, the allure of being able to produce a line of products without prior experience in that field or manufacturing has become increasingly appealing to entrepreneurs and small businesses too. These young brands are ever conscious of current consumer demands and trends. This is why many of them are now prioritizing quality and innovation.

This, in turn, has led to quite the overhaul when it comes to the private labeled products out there. They’re no longer cheap knock-offs. Now, they’re boundary-pushing problem-solvers that meet consumer needs in a way that larger brands have struggled to do. Some of the most exciting products that are currently out there have come down the private labeling route.

Join FLPL as we take a closer look at how these new, quality-focused brands have been revolutionizing the concept of private labeling.

Turning Ideas Into Reality

Got a cutting-edge idea for a new product? Back in the day, for many individuals, those ideas were already the end of the line. Having to develop those dreams into actual physical product samples and then finding a way to mass-produce them left many entrepreneurs out of their depth. 

Now, thanks to private labeling, those ideas can truly shine. In fact, when paired with an innovative private labeling manufacturer, they can become even better, resulting in products that quickly steal the show. 

Let’s examine a few examples…

The beauty market is quite a saturated one. However, a good idea can quickly take a new brand to the top. At FLPL, we’ve paved this path for many brands over the years. We’ve had brands come to us with some fantastic ideas, which we’ve then made real. From specialized solutions that instantly banish the appearance of wrinkles to face serums featuring powerful encapsulated ingredients, these products are all unique to the brands that conceived them. They stand out in a big way from the offerings produced by larger cosmetic companies. Some of the most-loved beauty lines out there, from Kylie Cosmetics and the Sephora Collection to OROGOLD Cosmetics and Lionesse, have private labeling manufacturers to thank for their speed to market and roaring success.

It’s not just the beauty world that’s being dominated by private label products either. From fashion to F&B to electronics, private label brands are now emerging across every industry.

Borrowing Expertise

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How are new private label brands able to compete with companies that have been established in an industry for decades? Well, if those new brands were to go it on their own, they would have a tough time. It’s hard to compete with all of the experience and knowledge that a larger and older company has. Not only do they have the resources to push their products forward but they’ve also spent years testing out different ideas. They know what works and what doesn’t. This saves them so much time, not to mention money, in the product development process.

However, once that new brand teams up with a private labeling manufacturer, they lose that disadvantage. Just like those established companies, a reputable private labeling manufacturer will have years of experience to draw from. In fact, having worked with a variety of different brands, the experience held by a private labeling manufacturer can often be even richer.

Of course, every private labeling manufacturer will want their clients to succeed. As a result, they’ll happily share all of their knowledge. This means that even individuals who have absolutely no experience in a certain industry are still placed on an even playing field with bigger companies. They’ll gain such valuable insights from their private labeling manufacturer, enabling them to avoid costly mistakes. Rather than wasting time developing a product that’s unlikely to succeed, a good private labeling manufacturer will help them to turn those ideas around into an end product that’s highly sought after by consumers.

Carefully-Chosen Manufacturing Locations

As discussed, when it comes to the wants and needs of today’s consumers, quality tends to come out on top. Consumers are tired of purchasing products that don’t last the year, if even the month. They are now looking for high-quality, long-lasting products and don’t mind spending a little more to get them.

With that said, it’s not just the product itself that influences the perception of quality. While you may have developed an incredible product, once potential customers find out that those products have been produced in a third-world country using cheap labor, a large chunk of them will immediately turn away. Even if high standards are upheld in that factory, consumers are now increasingly seeking out locally manufactured goods. Not only is this often a sign of even better quality but it also boosts the local economy. This is something that today’s consumers want to support.

For many big companies, changing their manufacturing location isn’t an option. They’ve already established an overseas manufacturing network. Moving this to another country would be a huge overhaul.

However, for a new brand that makes use of private label manufacturing, there are more options. At FLPL, for example, we give our clients the choice of having their products manufactured in either Asia or the USA. While our Asian factories used to be the more popular choice, more and more brands are now opting for our American factories. The ‘Made in the USA’ label holds a lot of weight. It helps to bolster the perception of quality when consumers view a product, greatly influencing the purchasing decision.

Putting Together the Whole Package

Of course, even after creating a standout product that easily outshines those from bigger brands, how can a new private label brand expect to compete when it comes to branding and marketing? Larger companies have huge branding/marketing budgets, as well as knowledgeable marketing teams. To an entrepreneur who hasn’t done much marketing before, going up against this can be daunting.

Again, let us stress that private labeling manufacturers want their clients to succeed. After all, your success is our success too! As a result, some private labeling manufacturers now go the extra mile in terms of the services on offer. At FLPL, we have our own branding and marketing team who have the valuable experience a new business needs. Not only will we help you to create the products of your dreams but we’ll then assist you in showing the world who your brand is and what you stand for. Even if you’ve never done any branding, marketing, or advertising in your life, you’ll be able to produce a campaign that larger companies would be proud of.

Successful Selling

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Imagine that you’re launching a new product line. You don’t have much experience in product development, manufacturing, or marketing, but with your experienced private label manufacturer by your side, this isn’t an issue. It won’t take long before your products are ready to hit the shelves, but what happens then? How do you actually get your products into the hands of consumers? 

Selling can be a turbulent game. Even the very best products can fail if you don’t opt for the right sales channels. Established companies already have those channels in place, with proven success. For a new brand, determining whether to sell via retailers, a pop-up store, online, or anywhere else is a big decision to make.

Sign up with a good private labeling manufacturer and they won’t abandon you once your products have been manufactured. Instead, they’ll continue to guide you when it comes to selling. Need help approaching large retailers and convincing them to stock your products? FLPL can help. Want to set up your own e-commerce store so that you can sell directly to customers all over the world? Not only can FLPL create this store for you but we can also help you to manage and run it. With all of this assistance on hand, life becomes so much easier for a new brand.

Private Labeling With FLPL

Of course, not all private label products make it big. The potential success of a product largely hinges on the private labeling manufacturer you choose. Ideally, you want one who has plenty of experience in your chosen industry. This way, you’ll be able to benefit from all of the advantages that we’ve detailed above.

If beauty and wellness is your industry of choice, you won’t go wrong with FLPL. From luxury to budget, we’ve worked with so many different brands, creating a huge array of products. We’ll work with you from start to finish, from helping you to flesh out your initial ideas and turn them into a workable concept to ensuring that you’re making plenty of sales so that your business can grow. The brands that we’ve worked with over the years have seen a great amount of success, so much so that they’ve returned to us each time they want to expand their offerings or launch a new line of products. 

If you’re interested in finding out more about the private labeling services offered by FLPL, click here to contact us today! Speak to us about your ideas and we’ll help you to determine whether or not we would be a good fit. 

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