private label manufacturing

From Concept to Creation: The Journey of Private Label Manufacturing

By FLPL Editor | April 15, 2023 | 0 Comments

It’s no secret that launching a business involves plenty of hard work. From marketing to pricing to shipping logistics, there is so much to consider if you want your company to succeed. However, it’s often the manufacturing side of things that leaves business owners particularly perplexed. Between sourcing reliable factories to adhering to legalities, the …

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girl holding beauty product

How to Build a Beauty Brand in 2023

By FLPL Editor | March 30, 2023 | 0 Comments

Many people dream of launching their own beauty brand but have no idea where to begin. The process can seem quite daunting at first, with so many different aspects to consider. However, that’s where FLPL can make things easier. We’re a private labeling company that can guide you through the entire process. From cementing your …

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products being manufactured

What is an Example of Private Label?

By FLPL Editor | March 15, 2023 | 0 Comments

There is so much involved when it comes to launching a new brand. From research and development to manufacturing and marketing, it’s no surprise that an increasing number of businesses are now turning to the private label option for a more hassle-free approach to turning a profit. Of course, in order to decide whether or …

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hands holding cosmetics

Cosmetic Products: How to Create Your Own Label

By FLPL Editor | February 28, 2023 | 0 Comments

Dreaming of starting your own cosmetics line but not sure where to begin? At FLPL, that’s what we specialize in. Our business is all about helping people to launch their own labels. From strengthening your initial brand vision to formulating your cosmetic products to taking care of manufacturing, packaging, and shipping, we’re here to ensure …

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cosmetic bag open

An Answer to the Question: What Are Private Label Cosmetics?

By FLPL Editor | January 30, 2023 | 0 Comments

If you’ve been thinking of launching your own cosmetics line, then chances are that you’ve been exploring the various ways in which you can do so. The most obvious would be to start from scratch with everything, but this can be daunting. It takes a lot of know-how to understand how to craft safe yet …

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Private label men's products

Hot Topics In 2023: 8 Private Label Men’s Products That are Guaranteed to Sell Well

By FLPL Editor | January 15, 2023 | 0 Comments

Thinking of starting a business to target a male demographic? There are tons of cliché industries you can tap into to reach them, like tech and power tools. But if you really want to hit the sweet spot, it’s important to note that modern men are slowly but surely falling into the rabbit hole of …

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